Nowadays, finding a home of one’s choice has become both easy and risky because of the wide variety of options available to choose from. A number of builders are out there providing you all that you require in a dream home in terms of construction, infrastructure, and much more.

However, finding out a home that matches your taste is not enough. Knowing a bit more technical details about your future home will keep things in your favour with less chances of builder exploiting your ignorance.
Homes are generally charged on the basis of the area. But, the usable area is not always same as that of the chargeable area. The difference between the usable are and the area you are charged for gives the space that is included in calculation.
There are certain terms which a buyer needs to keep in mind before buying a home because these terms will help you to calculate the amount you need to pay and evaluate whether the house is worth the money.
Carpet Area
Technically, carpet area is the net usable area measured wall to wall from its inner surfaces. Thus the thickness of the inner walls is not included. Carpet area is the actual usable size of the flat/villa minus the thickness of the wall.
This also includes the bathroom and kitchen. Any common areas outside the apartment like staircase, lift, security room, etc., are excluded from this calculation.
Build-up area
This is the gross area of the flat which comprises the carpet area as well as the thickness of the walls and the ducts. The build-up area can be 15-25 per more than the carpet area and sometimes known as the plinth area
Super Build-up area
It includes common amenities such as the area of lift shafts, lobby, and corridor, proportionately divided among all flats. The common usable areas, such as swimming pool, garden, and clubhouse may also be included in it. In other words, super build-up area is the total saleable area.
Ideally, the area of the common spaces should be calculated and added proportionately to each flat. However, the builders rarely do this. They consider 1.25 as the multiplying factor for calculating super build-up area, which is the result of multiplying the carpet area with 1.25. This would increase the total saleable area by approximately 25%.
The builders normally call it as the loading charge and sometimes also charge as high as 50% as there is no specific rule for loading charges. Thus for a 1000 sq. ft. flat which includes the super build-up in real only has 500 sq. ft. carpet area.
Hence for all those who are looking forward to own your dream home, it is very important to at least have a rough idea of these terms so that the builder cannot bluff things and make you pay for more than you are being offered in actual.